wound closure device 10 buckles, stitch free
Wound closure device 1 buckle, for home first aid
Wound closure device 2 buckles, first aid kit
wound closure device 10 buckles for wound around 15cm, no stitch, suture free, for kids, adults and pregancy, or surgical needs
zipper-style non-suture wound closure devices can be used for C-section (Cesarean) wound closure
Hons medical wound closure device material
how to use wound closure device from HONS Medical
wound closure device 10 buckles, stitch free
Wound closure device 1 buckle, for home first aid
Wound closure device 2 buckles, first aid kit
wound closure device 10 buckles for wound around 15cm, no stitch, suture free, for kids, adults and pregancy, or surgical needs
zipper-style non-suture wound closure devices can be used for C-section (Cesarean) wound closure
Hons medical wound closure device material
how to use wound closure device from HONS Medical

Yarani yopish moslamasi G2 - Oq to'qilmagan mato, bir tomonlama qisqich bilan yopish

HONS Medicalning tikuvsiz yarani yopish moslamasi yaralarni tez va samarali tarzda yopish uchun ishonchli, tikuvsiz yechim beradi.

  • Tokalar soni: 1, 2, 8 yoki 10

  • Bir tomonlama qisqichni yopish: Bir tomondan mahkamlanadi

  • Paket: 1 dona jarohatni yopish moslamasi uchun 3 dona/quti, boshqa variantlar uchun 1 dona/quti

  • Hajmi: 1,5cm×8cm(0,59in×3,1in), 4cm×8cm(1,6in×3,1in), 8cm×15cm(3,1in×5,9in) yoki 8cm×20cm(3,1in×7,8in)

  • Material: oq toʻqilmagan mato

  • Ignasiz va og'riqsiz: Hech qanday tikuv kerak emas, og'riq va noqulaylikni kamaytiradi.

  • Fermuar uslubidagi dizayn: Oson sozlash imkonini berib, yaralarni mahkam yoping.

  • Skarlanishni kamaytiradi: Yaxshiroq davolanish uchun teridagi taranglikni pasaytiradi.

  • Kuchli yopishish: Tibbiy toifadagi yopishtiruvchi mustahkam ushlab turishni ta'minlaydi.

  • Qoʻllash va olib tashlash oson: Mutaxassislar va uyda foydalanish uchun tez, muammosiz dastur.

  • Ko'p o'lchamda mavjud: Har xil yara turlari va joylari uchun javob beradi.


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