Zip line wound closure device for wound care, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 3 buckles
Zippered wound closure strip, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 8 buckles
zip skin wound closure device, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 10 buckles
Zip stitch wound closure device, Zip strip for laceration, Non-invasive zip wound closure bandage, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 1 buckle for first aid
Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure, free combination
Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure for C-section (Cesarean) wound closure
Zip Stitch Suture for first aid, Double-Side Buckle Zipper Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure for C-section (Cesarean) wound closure
Zip stitch butterfly bandaids closure strip, Double-Side Buckle zippered Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure
Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure
Zip line wound closure device for wound care, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 3 buckles
Zippered wound closure strip, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 8 buckles
zip skin wound closure device, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 10 buckles
Zip stitch wound closure device, Zip strip for laceration, Non-invasive zip wound closure bandage, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 1 buckle for first aid
Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure, free combination
Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure for C-section (Cesarean) wound closure
Zip Stitch Suture for first aid, Double-Side Buckle Zipper Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure for C-section (Cesarean) wound closure
Zip stitch butterfly bandaids closure strip, Double-Side Buckle zippered Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure
Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure

Yarani yopish moslamasi G3 - Oq to'qilmagan mato, ikki tomonlama qisqich bilan yopish

Keyingi avlod ikki tomonlama qisqichli yara yopilishi xavfsiz, teng taqsimlangan yopilishni ta'minlaydi, kuchlanishni kamaytiradi va kattaroq yoki murakkab yaralar uchun shifo beradi.

  • Tokalar soni: 1, 2, 8 yoki 10

  • Ikki tomonlama qisqichni yopish: Ikkala tomondan mahkamlanadi

  • Paket: 1 dona jarohatni yopish moslamasi uchun 3 dona/quti, boshqa variantlar uchun 1 dona/quti

  • Hajmi: 1,5cm×8cm(0,59in×3,1in), 4cm×8cm(1,6in×3,1in), 8cm×15cm(3,1in×5,9in) yoki 8cm×20cm(3,1in×7,8in)

  • Material: oq toʻqilmagan mato

  • Tibbiy darajali yopishish: Uzoq muddatli foydalanish uchun kuchli, teriga mos yopishtiruvchi.

  • Moslashuvchan va nafas oladigan: Maksimal qulaylik uchun tana harakatlariga mos keladi.

  • Oson qo'llash va olib tashlash: tikuv yoki shtapellarsiz tez, og'riqsiz surtish.

  • Ignasiz dastur: Hech qanday tikuv yoki shtapel kerak emas, og'riq va noqulaylikni kamaytiradi.


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