Zip line wound closure device for wound care, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 3 buckles
Zippered wound closure strip, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 8 buckles
zip skin wound closure device, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 10 buckles
Zip stitch wound closure device, Zip strip for laceration, Non-invasive zip wound closure bandage, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 1 buckle for first aid
Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure, free combination
Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure for C-section (Cesarean) wound closure
Zip Stitch Suture for first aid, Double-Side Buckle Zipper Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure for C-section (Cesarean) wound closure
Zip stitch butterfly bandaids closure strip, Double-Side Buckle zippered Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure
Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure
Zip line wound closure device for wound care, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 3 buckles
Zippered wound closure strip, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 8 buckles
zip skin wound closure device, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 10 buckles
Zip stitch wound closure device, Zip strip for laceration, Non-invasive zip wound closure bandage, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 1 buckle for first aid
Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure, free combination
Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure for C-section (Cesarean) wound closure
Zip Stitch Suture for first aid, Double-Side Buckle Zipper Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure for C-section (Cesarean) wound closure
Zip stitch butterfly bandaids closure strip, Double-Side Buckle zippered Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure
Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure

Уред за затворање рана G3 – бела неткаен материјал, двострано затворање со тока

Затворањето на раната со двострана тока од следната генерација обезбедува сигурно, рамномерно распоредено затворање, намалувајќи ја напнатоста и подобрувајќи го заздравувањето за поголеми или сложени рани.

  • Број на токи: 1, 2, 8 или 10

  • Затворање со двострана тока: се прицврстува од двете страни

  • Пакет: 3 парчиња/кутија за уред за затворање на 1 тока, 1 парче/кутија за други варијанти

  • Големина: 1,5см×8см (0,59ин×3,1ин), 4см×8см (1,6ин×3,1ин), 8см×15см (3,1ин×5,9ин) или 8см×20см (3,1ин×7,8инчи)

  • Материјал: бела неткаен материјал

  • Адхезија од медицински степен: Силно, погодно за кожата лепило за долготрајно носење.

  • Флексибилен и дише: се усогласува со движењата на телото за максимална удобност.

  • Лесно за нанесување и отстранување: Брзо, безболно нанесување без потреба од конци или спојници.

  • Апликација без игли: Не се потребни шевови или спојници, со што се намалува болката и непријатноста.

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