Zip line wound closure device for wound care, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 3 buckles
Zippered wound closure strip, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 8 buckles
zip skin wound closure device, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 10 buckles
Zip stitch wound closure device, Zip strip for laceration, Non-invasive zip wound closure bandage, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 1 buckle for first aid
Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure, free combination
Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure for C-section (Cesarean) wound closure
Zip Stitch Suture for first aid, Double-Side Buckle Zipper Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure for C-section (Cesarean) wound closure
Zip stitch butterfly bandaids closure strip, Double-Side Buckle zippered Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure
Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure
Zip line wound closure device for wound care, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 3 buckles
Zippered wound closure strip, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 8 buckles
zip skin wound closure device, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 10 buckles
Zip stitch wound closure device, Zip strip for laceration, Non-invasive zip wound closure bandage, Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure with 1 buckle for first aid
Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure, free combination
Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure for C-section (Cesarean) wound closure
Zip Stitch Suture for first aid, Double-Side Buckle Zipper Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure for C-section (Cesarean) wound closure
Zip stitch butterfly bandaids closure strip, Double-Side Buckle zippered Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure
Double-Side Buckle Wound Closure Device, new generation of wound closure

Sárlokunarbúnaður G3 – Hvítur óofinn dúkur, tvíhliða sylgjulokun

Næsta kynslóð sáraloka með tvíhliða sylgju veitir örugga, jafndreifða lokun, dregur úr spennu og eykur lækningu fyrir stærri eða flókin sár.

  • Fjöldi sylgna: 1, 2, 8 eða 10

  • Tvíhliða sylgjulokun: Fest á báðum hliðum

  • Pakki: 3 stk/kassa fyrir 1 sylgju fyrir sáralokunarbúnað, 1 stk/kassa fyrir önnur afbrigði

  • Stærð: 1,5 cm × 8 cm (0,59 tommur × 3,1 tommur), 4 cm × 8 cm ( 1,6 tommur × 3,1 tommur), 8 cm × 15 cm (3,1 tommur × 5,9 tommur) eða 8 cm × 20 cm (3,1 tommur × 7,8 tommur)

  • Efni: hvítt óofið efni

  • Læknisfræðileg viðloðun: Sterkt, húðvænt lím fyrir langvarandi notkun.

  • Sveigjanlegt og andar: Samræmist líkamshreyfingum fyrir hámarks þægindi.

  • Auðvelt að setja á og fjarlægja: Fljótleg, sársaukalaus notkun án þess að þurfa að sauma eða hefta.

  • Nálalaus notkun: Engin sauma eða hefta þarf, sem dregur úr sársauka og óþægindum.


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