Sårlukningsanordning 2 clips
Zip Surgical Skin Closure, Zip Stitch Sutures Butterfly Bandaids, Hons Medical Wound Closure Device 10 clips
how to use zip suture wound closure for healing
how to use laceration closure strio, strip surgical closure tool, surgical wound strip fastener, advanced wound strip closure, zupstitch wound closure device
benefits of using Emergency Laceration Closure Band
benefits of using zipstitch wound closure device
how to use zip skin closure, Emergency Laceration Closure Band
Sårlukningsanordning 2 clips
Zip Surgical Skin Closure, Zip Stitch Sutures Butterfly Bandaids, Hons Medical Wound Closure Device 10 clips
how to use zip suture wound closure for healing
how to use laceration closure strio, strip surgical closure tool, surgical wound strip fastener, advanced wound strip closure, zupstitch wound closure device
benefits of using Emergency Laceration Closure Band
benefits of using zipstitch wound closure device
how to use zip skin closure, Emergency Laceration Closure Band

Sårlukningsenhed G1-PU film (polyurethan non-woven stof), dobbeltsidet spændelukning

Vores sårlukningsenhed tilbyder en revolutionær, ikke-suturløsning til hurtig og effektiv sårheling.

  • Antal klip: 2 eller 10

  • Dobbeltsidet spændelukning: Fastgøres på begge sider

  • Pakke: 1 stk/pose

  • Størrelse: 6 cm×7 cm (2.4in×2.8in) eller 20 cm×6 cm (7.9in×2.4in)

  • Materiale: PU, polyurethanfilm, polyurethan non-woven stof, vandtæt

  • Hurtig heling: Fremskynder restitutionsprocessen ved at lukke sår sikkert.

  • Ingen behov for suturer: Eliminerer behovet for sting, hvilket reducerer ubehag.

  • Elastisk bandage: Giver justerbar kompression for bedre støtte og hurtigere heling.

  • Hypoallergeniske materialer: Sikker til følsom hud, herunder gravide kvinder og børn.

  • Ar-fri heling: Hjælper med at minimere ardannelse for en jævnere restitution.

  • Painless Application: Designed for comfort during and after use.

  • Nem at bruge: Hurtig og enkel at anvende, hvilket sparer tid for sundhedsudbydere.


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